‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!’

I was watching this phenomenal video on the aquaponic cycle.  PBS walked through the entire process of aquaponics farming with Yemi Amu.  She made some powerful statements throughout the video, such as farming was a human right and how empowering is the ability to feed yourself regardless of your circumstances.  I almost ran around the room then!  She explained that aquaponics was a multi-species approach to growing food and water, where fish produce waste when they eat, micro-organisms break this waste down and produce nitrates, and then plants take up the nitrates in their roots.  In return, the water is cleaned for the fish again.  Even the water that gets filtered goes back into the tank!!

You know I went straight to how this works in the Spirit!  The Holy Spirit has a similar symbiotic relationship with our physical bodies and minds.  Scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, “May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus.”  Ok, wait, wait, wait!  I’m getting excited as I write, thinking about the aquaponics cycle. 

Let me explain.  We hold the Holy Spirit inside of us (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).  As we grow in the world, saved or unsaved, believer in Christ or not, we experience change.  As we grow in understanding of the Holy Spirit, we begin to remove the “waste” (clap) and the Holy Spirit begins the cycle of cleaning us from our sinful nature.  I’m not trying to compare the Holy Spirit to microbes but the same process of cleaning the water occurs within us so we can continue to LIVE in our environment. “YESSSSS LORD!!!”  I feel like running right now!  When we begin to walk in our belief that Jesus Christ is our LORD and Savior, we receive understanding and knowledge, our eyes are opened, and even our minds begin to be cleansed.  The output is what we receive and how we endeavor to give that same knowledge to others so that we can begin to heal, grow, and be set free!

Now think about the fish – if there are no microbes, they would die – the fish CANNOT survive without them!  My God, without the Holy Spirit we are dead bodies walking the land, dead in spirit….

We need the Holy Spirit so we can live healthy and whole LIVES!  I’m not saying we won’t come against obstacles or problems.  I’m just saying the Holy Spirit is what sustains us while we do!  The scripture that came to mind just now was from Psalm 118:17 – I will live and not die and declare the works of the LORD.  When I originally thought of this blog, Ezekial 37:1-10 came to mind.  I will focus on verse 4, “Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.”

I speak to every dry place in your life and declare the words of the LORD to come alive in Jesus’ name!  I command every part of your body to come into alignment with the power and blood of Jesus Christ!  I declare over every person who reads this – wholeness in the name of JESUS, security in the name of JESUS, protection in the name of JESUS, and the righteous right mind of Christ!