Steady, Focus, Determination

I’ve been thinking of a message to share for 2023.  I’ll say this, if you do nothing else remain steady, with focus and determination. 

In 2022, I became a published author.  I never thought I would be able to say that.  Writing has always been a release for my thoughts, feelings, and imagination.  I kept my writings close to my hip because they were so personal, and I didn’t realize a preparation for something greater.  God took me on a journey to open my eyes to what’s next.

In July of 2021, a lump was found in my right breast.  I prayed, and prayed and was led to this scripture from the King James Version:

“Psalm 34: 17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.  18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.  19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. 20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.”

I knew as soon as I read these verses, I would have to go through this trial.  But I knew God would be with me.  A few months later, as a matter of fact – my birthday month I was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.  I think I was in a state of shock during most of the process. There were days I was angry, in pain, cried myself to sleep but my mantra, however; was always whatever you have in store for me Lord, I know you will be there. 

Most people do not understand how demeaning the process can be when being treated with cancer.  The people who work in the facilities are phenomenal, and I don’t want to take away from them.  However, you are extremely vulnerable to every single person you encounter.  You are constantly being examined, probed, and touched.  Day by day, I felt less… I hope my statement makes sense.  I felt less of who I thought I was, and what I was to become.  These thoughts made me angry.  I do not have time for cancer to interfere in my life and stop my progress.  I was determined then; my life was valuable and the friends and family around me.  There was no time to wallow in self-pity or ask why me.  Why not me? 

One day, I was scheduled for radiation treatment, and I asked God to let me share some joy to those who do not have it. I went in and spoke to everyone I could. With a joy, only the Holy Spirit could have given me. The Lord every day gave me something new to share or to do in order to engage others in the facility. I looked forward to my appointments and made them my priority through my day as there were things, I needed to do to prepare for them. The time seemed to fly by and was over quickly for me.

I thank GOD for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who saves. Who walked with me through my trials, who heard my cries in the midnight hour and lifted my head when I could not. I know there are many others with similar stories. Many people live with the disease for longer and more extreme periods.

Now, what does this have to do with 2023?

During this entire experience, I was writing. I did not write about my experience with cancer but my experiences in the prison ministry. How God has taught me through experience to minister to the brokenhearted. This time with God was amazing. There were moments that I didn’t think I would finish. I put the manuscript away and said the time was over for this book. It just didn’t feel like the right time. The enemy began to speak to me – ‘you’re not important’ or ‘who cares what you have to say’ or ‘it will never be successful.’ I finally sat down one day and focused on what was in my heart to say. God sent me a great writing coach, and I’ll say if you don’t have good people around you pray you through your trials then… please… reach out I have some amazing sisters and brothers in Christ that will pray with me for you.

As I thought about what to say for this new year.  I skimmed social media and saw many comments such as these:

15 ways to achieve your goals for 2023 👀

10 things that will stop you in your tracks from achieving your goals 😲

5 must have courses in 2023 for your success😁😍

If you see a statement like that on social media or even me, hold on for a second. Remember, the approach Peter took in Matthew 14:22-33, when he walked across the water to Jesus Christ, with a steady, focus, and determination to get to Him. Even if you falter, He’ll be there to pull you out of the water. Don’t give up what God has given you to thrive in 2023. Plan, organize, gain wisdom, but stay steady, focused, and determined to accomplish your goals no matter what the situation.