Building a kingdom goes beyond the literal meaning of constructing a physical structure or realm. In a spiritual context, kingdom building refers to expanding the kingdom of God on earth. This involves spreading the message of faith, hope, and love, as taught by Jesus Christ. It’s about making a positive impact in the world and leading a life that reflects the teachings of the Bible — a life of service, compassion, and righteousness.

One of the most powerful tools we can use in kingdom building is prayer. Prayer is not just about asking for personal needs or seeking solace during tough times. It is also a weapon for spiritual warfare, a tool for intercession, and a means of communing with God. Through prayer, we can seek God’s guidance, wisdom, and strength in our journey of kingdom building.

Kingdom Building Prayer Sessions

As part of our commitment to kingdom building, we have set up regular prayer sessions. These sessions are open to all, regardless of your location or time zone. Whether you’re a new believer or a long-time follower of Christ, we invite you to join us in these prayer sessions and be a part of the kingdom building process.

Our prayer sessions take place every day at

4:30 a.m. EST

On Youtube

. We understand that this might be early for some, but we believe that starting the day with prayer sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. It’s a time to seek God’s face before we face the world, to invite His presence into our day, and to commit our plans and activities to Him.

Special Focus in January

Every month, we have a special focus for our prayers, and for the month of


, our focus is on new beginnings. We are praying for fresh starts, new opportunities, and renewed strength for everyone. We believe that with God, all things are made new, and we want to start the year with this assurance in our hearts.

We are also praying for the expansion of God’s kingdom in our personal lives, our families, our communities, and the world at large. We are praying for more opportunities to share the good news, for open doors, and for receptive hearts. Additionally, we are praying for the grace and strength to be faithful in the little things, knowing that God can use them for His glory.

In conclusion, kingdom building is a continuous process that requires dedication, effort, and most importantly, prayer. We invite you to join us in our daily prayer sessions as we seek to expand God’s kingdom on earth. Remember, every prayer counts, and together, we can make a difference.

I AM Enough

Do you ever think long and hard about a choice you truly want to make but are too afraid to move into it? (my hand raised)Have you ever thought do I have what it takes to complete this one thing? This one thing could impact hundreds maybe thousands… self-sabotage.

  • Do you ever believe the whispers? (???)
  • I don’t even know why you try!
  • What made you think you could do…?
  • How many times are you going to do…
  • Have you ever heard, “Why don’t you just give up?”

The criticism, the judgements, the condemnation. Right now, I’m just in the head space, not what other people say.

Here’s my two cents…I am, I can, and I am able, to do anything God has purposed me to do. Here’s what I know, here’s what I’ve learned I don’t care what people think cause I’m too old now to remember anyhow, and I in the end when its time to take a count they won’t be there with me (Romans 14:12). Most importantly – Here’s what the Lord has said about you and me!

  • I have purpose (Proverbs 16:9, 19:21, Jeremiah 29:11)
  • I am above and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13)
  • He will give me a seat at the table of my enemies (Psalm 23:5)
  • He will shut the mouths of my enemies (Psalm 31:18)
  • My words, their words are not greater than God’s word for my life (Isaiah 55:11)
  • He can do exceedingly and abundantly above all I ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)

Without God I am nothing, GOD said “My grace is sufficient for you,” – I AM ENOUGH. Matter of fact I am a victor, I am prosperous, I am aN overcomer!! Something for you to chew on when you doubt what God can bring you through.

One last thing… in Exodus 3:13 Moses asked God, suppose the Israelites ask me what’s the name of this God of your fathers who sent you to rescue us from Egypt? God said to to Moses in verse 14, tell ’em “I AM WHO I AM” that‘s my name and that’s who sent me to you! So, I say tell whatever is in your way, “I AM” sent you. I AM created you, I AM will be your fire and wrath in every battle!!

Hope at Faith-Walker Ministries