Coaching prayer purpose self-development

Be A Giant

I had a dream years ago. I was a giant and in a huge forest pulling up old trees with huge roots. When I pulled them up to look underneath, a light would slowly become visible and would become very bright…. almost blinding. I would put the tree down and then move on to the next. Over the years, I have thought often of this dream and the message. Trees are part of an ecosystem of shared resources and networks. Scientists believe trees have a communication system that distributes signals of drought, disease, or attack of various insects. The roots are used as communication as well as pheromones.  A communication network to warn other trees of danger. Humanity’s network of communication is similarly used through the Holy Spirit. Our direct line of communication with God via our consciousness, dreams, hands’ mouths, feet, and our emotions, which extends to others.

The roots in my dream reminded me of the journey we take in life. As we journey, we learn of our mistakes, and we began to self-correct from them over time, as well as our victories to reflect on or share as testimonies. Our experiences (roots) are often very deep and incomprehensible to our future lives. When we are ready, God uses the Holy Spirit to provide revelation, understanding and wisdom in situations that we may need to correct, uproot or change. Proverbs 3:13-19 refers to trees as life-giving, providing wisdom on our journeys and my interpretation is the blessing from that wisdom. Our symbiotic relationship with the Holy Spirit is life-giving. In those dry seasons, the devastation caused by whatever attack the enemy tries to bring into our lives provides not only life, healing, and strength.

What do I mean by attacks of the enemy? One example I can provide is my personal experience of a diagnosis of cancer. I was in shock. I fully believe in God-ordained empirical findings. While praying one day in service, I felt a pain under my right breast. That pain persisted and pushed me to go to my physician. From the research I found and information that I received from my doctor pain is not one of the first signs of breast cancer. However, my doctor scheduled a mammogram just to ensure there were no other issues. A mammogram revealed a lump so deep that it wouldn’t show up under normal circumstances if it weren’t for pain. A biopsy was order and that was negative, however my doctor again disagreed and suggested I have a surgeon biopsy. My second biopsy revealed a diagnosis of Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) a stage 0 breast tumor. I never even heard of stage 0. I felt shock, I asked why, and the purpose in this. I felt guilty when I complained about the pain of the surgery or radiation. Often, I was angry with myself for feeling embarrassed when I had to undress in front of what seemed like countless strangers for testing or examination. There were so many others with a diagnosis of cancer that were in worse situations than me. How dare I complain? Our experiences matter, they are defining moments in our lives that have the capacity to transform and propel us to our future. Not only our individual futures, those we walk with in our daily lives, their futures. Do not minimize your personal walk in life. Do not minimize who you are and your value. Do not minimize how your walk through your forest.  Your walk can strengthen others and encourage them to move forward. We may have roots deep in the soil and survival comes by the living water God supplies to us in Jesus Christ. In Jeremiah 17:7-8, scripture tells us, “He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Psalm 1:3 states, “He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.” The light I saw come from underneath the tree almost blinding is our faith. We often have to move by experiences of our past but with blind faith to come away from those situations that may cause us to pause, exhibit regret or even change the paths we take to our destinations.

Family our roots shape us, however our blind faith in God is what leads us through obstacles of life. Thank you Lord for your Son who saves and the Holy Spirit that guides. You said you would never leave us or forsake us and we thank you. I speak victory over every diagnosis of illness, broken spirit, or lost soul, victory of those situations and victory through Jesus Christ our solution, our Savior. Amen

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