
New Years Day – 2025

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Focus Thought: As we step into 2025, remember that God has already prepared the path ahead. This isn’t just another year – it’s a divine appointment with destiny, a fresh canvas for spiritual growth, and an opportunity to witness God’s faithfulness in new ways.

 What is God speaking to your heart about this new season? 🙏✨

#NewYear2025 #SpiritualGrowth #FaithJourney #NewBeginnings

~Faith-Walker Ministries

I didn’t put 2025 in the title of this thought at first.  As I prayed I felt like “we” the people of God, have been through a period a serious hardship, contemplation, character assassination and/or change (depending on the leader/person) as a whole.  These past few months I felt a urgency to complete the things God was showing me.   There is a lot behind the scenes we do and prayer has sustained me through all of my changes.  I believe the Lord is taking us through a year of transformation.

Last night I watched Legacy Center Church (God has made a way for me to stay connected as a care-giver).  Dr. Faith gave her vision for 2025 around ‘Sudden Break’, which made me feel right in-line with what I’m experiencing spiritually now and what God has been showing me.  Then she paused and said what is the Lord saying to you….listen:

I waited a moment and earnestly seeking, I saw fire begin to billow out from a dark space, there was a force behind the fire and it came quickly!  I noticed white smoke around the edges, and the fire was mostly orange and yellow with some red.  What stood out to me was like a wind, blowing dust, and small rocks or pebbles away along the ground.  Almost like a leaf blower…

Scripture tells us the white smoke is God’s glory (Rev. 15:8, Psalm 74:1).  The smoke could also represent wrath depending on the situation.  I believe in this case where you are is what you experience during this time of transformation.  Red/Orange means purification, passion, harvest and other symbolic meanings.  I believe in this case this was our connection to the world.  We are in space where we have to begin to choose, our time of being double-minded in our ways God is revealing to us must end.  We have to make a stand and defy those external voices.  We shall not walk in fear or condemnation of those who have wisdom but are not filled with the Holy Ghost.  Discriminatory voice, critical voices, lying voices, deceiving voices, voices of contention and confusion we need to break their hold in Jesus Christs name. 

Yellow, I just heard divine alignment.  The yellow represents God’s presence as well.  The indestructible word of God cannot fail us in this time.  The word will spark a flame in us and blow the residue of our past from impacting our future.  This flame shall burn up all that is not like our LORD and Savior so that we may accomplish what God has set for our future (Isaiah 55:11).

A Year of Transformation

  • A year of hope renewed – for what was abated or idea/thought left behind
  • A year of separation I believe God is aligning believers in new levels of creativity, development, and advancement which will cause many of us to separate from old people places and things
  • A year of revelation – we’ve already seen it.  Many well kept secrets coming to light, opening eyes to the blind, and ears to hear

Scriptures that came to mind for these thoughts

  • 1 Peter 3:12

The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the LORD turns his face against those who do evil.”

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  • Psalm 92:11

My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies; my ears have heard the defeat of my wicked opponents.

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  • Isaiah 55:10-11

10 For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it bud and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, 11 so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it.

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  • John 12:40:

He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

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Faith-Walkers I am praying for a spirit of ease over each of us as we pursue the things of the Kingdom of God as builders.

  • We will not be distracted
  • Ease in learning and hearing the word of God
  • I declare over we will have favor with people in position of authority
  • We will have a seat at the table of our enemies
  • We will even experience them being compelled to open doors for us to excel
  • I declare our loved ones will come into relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ

We are sons and daughters of the Most High God!  We are God’s offspring!   This is a year of transformation, this is the year of the redeemed, this is the year of favor, this is a year rain is sent to the just…. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so…!

In Jesus Christs Name Amen

Steady, Focus, Determination

I’ve been thinking of a message to share for 2023.  I’ll say this, if you do nothing else remain steady, with focus and determination. 

In 2022, I became a published author.  I never thought I would be able to say that.  Writing has always been a release for my thoughts, feelings, and imagination.  I kept my writings close to my hip because they were so personal, and I didn’t realize a preparation for something greater.  God took me on a journey to open my eyes to what’s next.

In July of 2021, a lump was found in my right breast.  I prayed, and prayed and was led to this scripture from the King James Version:

“Psalm 34: 17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.  18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.  19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. 20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.”

I knew as soon as I read these verses, I would have to go through this trial.  But I knew God would be with me.  A few months later, as a matter of fact – my birthday month I was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.  I think I was in a state of shock during most of the process. There were days I was angry, in pain, cried myself to sleep but my mantra, however; was always whatever you have in store for me Lord, I know you will be there. 

Most people do not understand how demeaning the process can be when being treated with cancer.  The people who work in the facilities are phenomenal, and I don’t want to take away from them.  However, you are extremely vulnerable to every single person you encounter.  You are constantly being examined, probed, and touched.  Day by day, I felt less… I hope my statement makes sense.  I felt less of who I thought I was, and what I was to become.  These thoughts made me angry.  I do not have time for cancer to interfere in my life and stop my progress.  I was determined then; my life was valuable and the friends and family around me.  There was no time to wallow in self-pity or ask why me.  Why not me? 

One day, I was scheduled for radiation treatment, and I asked God to let me share some joy to those who do not have it. I went in and spoke to everyone I could. With a joy, only the Holy Spirit could have given me. The Lord every day gave me something new to share or to do in order to engage others in the facility. I looked forward to my appointments and made them my priority through my day as there were things, I needed to do to prepare for them. The time seemed to fly by and was over quickly for me.

I thank GOD for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who saves. Who walked with me through my trials, who heard my cries in the midnight hour and lifted my head when I could not. I know there are many others with similar stories. Many people live with the disease for longer and more extreme periods.

Now, what does this have to do with 2023?

During this entire experience, I was writing. I did not write about my experience with cancer but my experiences in the prison ministry. How God has taught me through experience to minister to the brokenhearted. This time with God was amazing. There were moments that I didn’t think I would finish. I put the manuscript away and said the time was over for this book. It just didn’t feel like the right time. The enemy began to speak to me – ‘you’re not important’ or ‘who cares what you have to say’ or ‘it will never be successful.’ I finally sat down one day and focused on what was in my heart to say. God sent me a great writing coach, and I’ll say if you don’t have good people around you pray you through your trials then… please… reach out I have some amazing sisters and brothers in Christ that will pray with me for you.

As I thought about what to say for this new year.  I skimmed social media and saw many comments such as these:

15 ways to achieve your goals for 2023 👀

10 things that will stop you in your tracks from achieving your goals 😲

5 must have courses in 2023 for your success😁😍

If you see a statement like that on social media or even me, hold on for a second. Remember, the approach Peter took in Matthew 14:22-33, when he walked across the water to Jesus Christ, with a steady, focus, and determination to get to Him. Even if you falter, He’ll be there to pull you out of the water. Don’t give up what God has given you to thrive in 2023. Plan, organize, gain wisdom, but stay steady, focused, and determined to accomplish your goals no matter what the situation.

How to Wednesday.…

How-to walk-in authority for me has been simply this…. I have taken time to understand who I am in Jesus Christ.  I’ve taken time to understand (still a journey) my position in the Kingdom of God.  The Bible spoke to me as if God was giving me instructions as Abba Father.  Have you watched the movie, “The Shack”?  I was reflecting on this movie with heavy hitters such as Sam Worthington, Octavia Spencer and others starring.  In this movie, Sam Worthington (Mack) experiences God (Papa) as a woman.  Washington Post article states, “Why God is a curvy, black woman in ‘The Shack,” or Indiewire states, “Octavia Spencer’s Role as God In the Shack Angers Christian…”.  This short blog is not to start a conversation about race, that at times can cause people to be at odds, or a discussion about your belief as a Christian.  I don’t want to give too much away if you have not seen this movie, but this movie to me was about faith and realizing what you need in traumatic moments to keep that faith.  Papa was exactly what Mack needed in a moment of his life that could have changed the trajectory of his entire family, and his blood line.  I showed this movie to a room full of incarcerated men and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.  I wonder if you watch that movie if you can see Mack’s sphere of influence as well?  I ask myself that daily.  Who will see me and who will I impact?  I do not get it right all the time.  There are times I am completely wrong too…

Ephesians written to encourage and strengthen believers of Jesus Christ and assist in expanding their knowledge and wisdom to remain steadfast in their faith.  Two things that stand out immediately to me – adoption and seal.  I now understand that our identity lies in what we have reconciled as the purpose and will.  WE are forgiven, WE have been redeemed, and WE have grace wisdom and understanding because of this.  A seal was placed on each of our hearts when we came to believe this a deposit of God’s promise of redemption and love.  None of what I have written came easily to me.  I struggled for understanding and continuously sought answers to questions I thought didn’t exist.  When I was in pain, I suffered instead of turning that pain over and laying directly at the feet of Jesus Christ.  Over time, each experience led me to a deeper understanding and belief.  I soon learned to live and not just survive.  I came to know what lives move and have my being in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior means.  Our authority comes from the SON, not personally.  Satan sends his minions to stand at the side as you walk this life to remind you of all the then mistakes you made and missteps.  Oh Jesus!  What an opportunity we have! Realize those same obstacles and circumstances could be dealt with!  Dealt with in prayer, supplication and fasting.  I am by nature a fighter, I learned to fight in prayer.

•             Know that when we receive Christ, we are part of an agreement.  The seal is a signed contract that cannot be broken unless we break it.  We have an inheritance not only in heaven but here on earth. 

•             The enemy knows we have a contract.  Trust me, they are scared of you.  When you walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you become empowered.  Empowered to do things you never thought possible. 

•             We have a place of belonging with this seal as well.  We are not alone in this walk and whatever you are seeking, desire, or need of, when we press in – God answers.  I often wondered why I didn’t get the results I wanted to see.  Today, God answered that question for me, sometimes it’s in the wait, timing is everything.   

In Matt 10:1, Luke 9:1, Mark 3:15, the disciples were commissioned to do a work, and they then were given the authority and power by the governing authority to carry this work out.  We are all given the POWER & AUTHORITY to do this work through the Holy Spirit!

5 Steps of Formation

It took me a long time to understand self and how to focus on my strengths and not weaknesses. There always seemed to be voices of doubt in my ear speaking against every endeavor I was striving to complete. I started looking back and realized how I was shaped from my upbringing. I grew up in a modern day brady bunch family, 3 boys and 3 girls. I have three biological sons, nieces and nephews and a very large extended family. I was a neighborhood mom, sister, friend, and counselor. There were some negative influences as well, bad decision-making, bad choices and even worse relationships. Eventually, I settled in every area of my life and accepted I would not and could not do any better. In my education, I was exposed to courses that helped me understand and form my own personal process and practice as a person walking in the image of Jesus Christ. Not just for my benefit but for others and unto the glory to God. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, and we are forever being transformed into His image with increasing joy (paraphrased). I don’t regret what has happened to me, through me or the choices I made. That is what allowed me to be in a space of love and forgiveness that I can now share with others. This process for me was deep and meaningful. I took steps to forgive myself and others and went on a journey to develop my strengths that will continue to carry me on this life journey to success.

Here are a few steps I’d like to share with each of you below:

1. Identify your strengths, learn how to develop them, and lean into them in stressful times

2. Receive compliments and translate them to strengths to demonstrate your growth. Consider role models, coaches, mentors who can see gifts, talents, and strengths in you that you may not even realize you’ve developed.

3. Recognize areas that you do not normally utilize. This does not mean you are weak, knowing areas that are not as strong as others allows you to bring people around you to fill the gap or develop through your strengths.

4. When you doubt lean into God who is our strength. Grow in faith, study the area of scripture that you want to grow stronger in and begin to pray with these scriptures in mind.

5. Lastly – Celebrate!! Celebrate you, celebrate your accomplishments so you will have constant reminders of what you truly can accomplish to block out those voices that so often try to kill our joy.

If any of these things resonate with you – schedule time with me. We all need help maneuvering through this life and growing ourselves to be our best selves. My desire is to see each of you grow and overcome obstacles!!


5 Ways To Build Your Most Holy Faith

In this climate, upholding our personal beliefs and faith may be difficult. We may feel a little unstable due to the constant change. What I will tell you that has worked for me is the one constant – Jesus Christ. My faith has sustained me and allowed me to find a place of peace during this time of uncertainty. Not only do I have peace, I’ve met and reached goals I never dreamed possible. The book of Jude, reminds us of obstacles that may keep our eyes off of Jesus and cause us to falter. BUT he also gives us nuggets to keep us steady – relying on God, allowing God to fill you, and finally knowing God as the ultimate strategist. Check out my recording on how I sum this up – Part 2 will be how we provide a strategy on this journey!

4 D’S Of Strategy the Enemy Uses Against Us

I am angry. The enemy wants us to believe that we have no power. The enemy wants us to believe that we are incapable of succeeding, so we must give up. I’m here to say we must live and not die.

The spirit of division is a strategy the enemy has used over time. He works to divide families, marriages, churches, cities and even nations. According to Merriam-Webster, it is the act or process of dividing parts or groups, separating them. Understand we have a proclivity to be in relationship with others. Talents and qualities of people draw us, our nature is to help others build themselves and we also look at ways to connect with them. The enemy looks for ways to step over boundaries, disrespect one another and cause upheaval in relationships. What say you? You mad now too?

Distractions plant seeds in our imaginations and catch us off guard. Slanderous words, gossip, or profanity to offend us and take us off our game. Some obstacles can cause us or others to question our moral compass. Listen, if you have distractions coming your way, then know that you are a threat to the enemy. Something or someone is bound to encounter your gifts and talents. Do not respond to the words of the enemy and that cause doubt of the path in front of you. I’ve seen many people, and I personally get detoured by powers and principalities of spiritual wickedness they have become fearful to move or act on a vision or dream they have for their lives.

Know this… you are not defeated. The fight has already been won by our God in Heaven. You don’t believe me? So, if you are reading this, you’ve already won. You took time to understand what is coming up against you. You want to understand the why’s of the defeated attitude in your life. God has placed in you a desire to live and not die. You are only defeated if you give up and give in. No truly, you are never defeated as long as you have another day above ground to do something over again.

Here’s my prayer for you. Father, the enemy has persecuted our souls! He has made us dwell in dark places and we cry for mercy O Lord! These chains be loosed, from our heart, mind, and spirit – IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!! We will not lose hope, we will not be paralyzed by fear, we will not ponder on works of the flesh, we will lift our hands in prayer!! We will give God glory because the answer comes swiftly, God’s love is enduring and unfailing each morning that we wake. God is our ever-present help in a time of trouble, and our foes will fall at our feet in JESUS CHRIST’S MIGHTY NAME I PRAY -AAAAAAAAAAMEN!!!


6 Ways to Identify Self-Defeating Behavior

Self-defeating or self-destructive behavior is basically conquering yourself. Several years ago, I met a young man who showed all signs of self-defeating behavior. He was fighting all the time, argumentative, many sexual partners, on drugs. He didn’t care for himself or anyone else as he came to the realization of a 30 year to life sentence. Destructive behavior can take on many behaviors such as self-harm, people sometimes self-medicate under stress with drugs or alcohol, being promiscuous, having multiple partners sexually, aggressiveness, attention-seeking, procrastination avoiding difficult situations, and circumstances that may cause you to not meet deadlines or important events or even delay others. It can be emotionally and physically draining and could result in lifelong misery of illness brought on by the behavior or emotional attacks such as anxiety, depression, sudden or extreme outbursts of anger or emotion that can be debilitating.

Being more self-assure about who you are in the future, your purpose in life can bring stability, resilience, better judgment, a sense of certainty. I don’t mean more dependent on self but more confident or courageous in self but knowing – we are who God says we are. Coming to a deeper understanding of your own ability will allow you to discern those around you that you can come to trust. Allowing for a deeper knowledge of self and more intimate relationship with God as our greatest resource. In time, the ability to make better decisions can grow along with being a influencer. This young man unfortunately went through many trials that landed him in a place that seems hopeless. He defied all odds and began to seek God out for comfort. It’s never too late and we have an opportunity to work on our inner self so that we can help others