
New Years Day – 2025

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Focus Thought: As we step into 2025, remember that God has already prepared the path ahead. This isn’t just another year – it’s a divine appointment with destiny, a fresh canvas for spiritual growth, and an opportunity to witness God’s faithfulness in new ways.

 What is God speaking to your heart about this new season? 🙏✨

#NewYear2025 #SpiritualGrowth #FaithJourney #NewBeginnings

~Faith-Walker Ministries

I didn’t put 2025 in the title of this thought at first.  As I prayed I felt like “we” the people of God, have been through a period a serious hardship, contemplation, character assassination and/or change (depending on the leader/person) as a whole.  These past few months I felt a urgency to complete the things God was showing me.   There is a lot behind the scenes we do and prayer has sustained me through all of my changes.  I believe the Lord is taking us through a year of transformation.

Last night I watched Legacy Center Church (God has made a way for me to stay connected as a care-giver).  Dr. Faith gave her vision for 2025 around ‘Sudden Break’, which made me feel right in-line with what I’m experiencing spiritually now and what God has been showing me.  Then she paused and said what is the Lord saying to you….listen:

I waited a moment and earnestly seeking, I saw fire begin to billow out from a dark space, there was a force behind the fire and it came quickly!  I noticed white smoke around the edges, and the fire was mostly orange and yellow with some red.  What stood out to me was like a wind, blowing dust, and small rocks or pebbles away along the ground.  Almost like a leaf blower…

Scripture tells us the white smoke is God’s glory (Rev. 15:8, Psalm 74:1).  The smoke could also represent wrath depending on the situation.  I believe in this case where you are is what you experience during this time of transformation.  Red/Orange means purification, passion, harvest and other symbolic meanings.  I believe in this case this was our connection to the world.  We are in space where we have to begin to choose, our time of being double-minded in our ways God is revealing to us must end.  We have to make a stand and defy those external voices.  We shall not walk in fear or condemnation of those who have wisdom but are not filled with the Holy Ghost.  Discriminatory voice, critical voices, lying voices, deceiving voices, voices of contention and confusion we need to break their hold in Jesus Christs name. 

Yellow, I just heard divine alignment.  The yellow represents God’s presence as well.  The indestructible word of God cannot fail us in this time.  The word will spark a flame in us and blow the residue of our past from impacting our future.  This flame shall burn up all that is not like our LORD and Savior so that we may accomplish what God has set for our future (Isaiah 55:11).

A Year of Transformation

  • A year of hope renewed – for what was abated or idea/thought left behind
  • A year of separation I believe God is aligning believers in new levels of creativity, development, and advancement which will cause many of us to separate from old people places and things
  • A year of revelation – we’ve already seen it.  Many well kept secrets coming to light, opening eyes to the blind, and ears to hear

Scriptures that came to mind for these thoughts

  • 1 Peter 3:12

The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the LORD turns his face against those who do evil.”

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  • Psalm 92:11

My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies; my ears have heard the defeat of my wicked opponents.

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  • Isaiah 55:10-11

10 For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it bud and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, 11 so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it.

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  • John 12:40:

He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

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Faith-Walkers I am praying for a spirit of ease over each of us as we pursue the things of the Kingdom of God as builders.

  • We will not be distracted
  • Ease in learning and hearing the word of God
  • I declare over we will have favor with people in position of authority
  • We will have a seat at the table of our enemies
  • We will even experience them being compelled to open doors for us to excel
  • I declare our loved ones will come into relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ

We are sons and daughters of the Most High God!  We are God’s offspring!   This is a year of transformation, this is the year of the redeemed, this is the year of favor, this is a year rain is sent to the just…. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so…!

In Jesus Christs Name Amen

Sacred Rest and Renewal

As we celebrate the holidays this year, I want to encourage you to take time to rest, renew, and rejuvenate for a brand new season. Let us sit in a space of safety, and the ability to reimagine God in this new year to come. Let us draw from the newness of Christ and draw from the strength of the LORD.

In Genesis 24:63, Isaac went out into the field to meditate.  The Hebrew word for meditate, according to Strong’s is שׂוּחַ, pronounced soo’-akh.  This is a verb, an action meaning to muse, contemplate, or reflect.  What stuck out to me,  in the process of reading this text of Isaac pondering was, he came from a place called Beer Lahai Roi a place named by Hagar meaning, “well of the living who sees me.” He went into a place that allowed him to reset and minister to him.  A place that allowed him to clear his mind of all the expectations placed upon him, the worries and concerns of family dynamics, a place where concerns of the future seem to dominate his thoughts.  Isaac entered into a space of rest to hear God and to ponder in a space where it was quiet, only the sounds of nature seemed far off and distant.  Only when he was interrupted was by his destiny helper approaching. It seems almost to me this is a state we need to remain in until we see breakthrough occur in every situation.  Even in Joshua 1, Joshua experiencing loss of a great man of God, who sat in the very presence of God, Moses who left the reigns for Joshua to continue to lead the people of Israel into promise was facing new territory on his own.  Being told by God that everywhere your foot treads, you will take territory for the Kingdom of God.  However, in order for you to be the one to lead this group of people and generations to come into this promise you must meditate day and night.

We are instructed to meditate.  Ponder on the word of the Lord to remain faithful, and remain in God’s will for our lives.  God sits aside a secret place.   Maybe not a closet like in the movie “War Room,” but in a spiritual dynamic similar to that space – a hiding place to go to and receive insight, receive peace, receive rest, receive confirmation, and strength to continue on your journey.

God is so intentional.  I pondered on the text from Genesis 24:63 and I’m sure the action of Isaac looking up to see Rebekah coming was moments, but I feel like this was symbolic of when our eyes are opened to our future.  A hope that causes our hearts to skip a beat, a feeling deep in our belly that can overcome us, and let us know this is the thing I’ve been waiting for. 

God I pray for all of the Faith Walkers out there, to continue to release their burdens to you and accept your yoke just as Isaac, Joshua, David, Rebekah, Miriam, Mary and many others that have come before us.  Lord let us sit in your habitation of rest today, and find rest.  In Jesus Christs Name make these moments sacred with God and receive your rest and renewal!

~Hope from Faith-Walker Ministries


Building a kingdom goes beyond the literal meaning of constructing a physical structure or realm. In a spiritual context, kingdom building refers to expanding the kingdom of God on earth. This involves spreading the message of faith, hope, and love, as taught by Jesus Christ. It’s about making a positive impact in the world and leading a life that reflects the teachings of the Bible — a life of service, compassion, and righteousness.

One of the most powerful tools we can use in kingdom building is prayer. Prayer is not just about asking for personal needs or seeking solace during tough times. It is also a weapon for spiritual warfare, a tool for intercession, and a means of communing with God. Through prayer, we can seek God’s guidance, wisdom, and strength in our journey of kingdom building.

Kingdom Building Prayer Sessions

As part of our commitment to kingdom building, we have set up regular prayer sessions. These sessions are open to all, regardless of your location or time zone. Whether you’re a new believer or a long-time follower of Christ, we invite you to join us in these prayer sessions and be a part of the kingdom building process.

Our prayer sessions take place every day at

4:30 a.m. EST

On Youtube

. We understand that this might be early for some, but we believe that starting the day with prayer sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. It’s a time to seek God’s face before we face the world, to invite His presence into our day, and to commit our plans and activities to Him.

Special Focus in January

Every month, we have a special focus for our prayers, and for the month of


, our focus is on new beginnings. We are praying for fresh starts, new opportunities, and renewed strength for everyone. We believe that with God, all things are made new, and we want to start the year with this assurance in our hearts.

We are also praying for the expansion of God’s kingdom in our personal lives, our families, our communities, and the world at large. We are praying for more opportunities to share the good news, for open doors, and for receptive hearts. Additionally, we are praying for the grace and strength to be faithful in the little things, knowing that God can use them for His glory.

In conclusion, kingdom building is a continuous process that requires dedication, effort, and most importantly, prayer. We invite you to join us in our daily prayer sessions as we seek to expand God’s kingdom on earth. Remember, every prayer counts, and together, we can make a difference.

I AM Enough

Do you ever think long and hard about a choice you truly want to make but are too afraid to move into it? (my hand raised)Have you ever thought do I have what it takes to complete this one thing? This one thing could impact hundreds maybe thousands… self-sabotage.

  • Do you ever believe the whispers? (???)
  • I don’t even know why you try!
  • What made you think you could do…?
  • How many times are you going to do…
  • Have you ever heard, “Why don’t you just give up?”

The criticism, the judgements, the condemnation. Right now, I’m just in the head space, not what other people say.

Here’s my two cents…I am, I can, and I am able, to do anything God has purposed me to do. Here’s what I know, here’s what I’ve learned I don’t care what people think cause I’m too old now to remember anyhow, and I in the end when its time to take a count they won’t be there with me (Romans 14:12). Most importantly – Here’s what the Lord has said about you and me!

  • I have purpose (Proverbs 16:9, 19:21, Jeremiah 29:11)
  • I am above and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13)
  • He will give me a seat at the table of my enemies (Psalm 23:5)
  • He will shut the mouths of my enemies (Psalm 31:18)
  • My words, their words are not greater than God’s word for my life (Isaiah 55:11)
  • He can do exceedingly and abundantly above all I ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)

Without God I am nothing, GOD said “My grace is sufficient for you,” – I AM ENOUGH. Matter of fact I am a victor, I am prosperous, I am aN overcomer!! Something for you to chew on when you doubt what God can bring you through.

One last thing… in Exodus 3:13 Moses asked God, suppose the Israelites ask me what’s the name of this God of your fathers who sent you to rescue us from Egypt? God said to to Moses in verse 14, tell ’em “I AM WHO I AM” that‘s my name and that’s who sent me to you! So, I say tell whatever is in your way, “I AM” sent you. I AM created you, I AM will be your fire and wrath in every battle!!

Hope at Faith-Walker Ministries

‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!’

I was watching this phenomenal video on the aquaponic cycle.  PBS walked through the entire process of aquaponics farming with Yemi Amu.  She made some powerful statements throughout the video, such as farming was a human right and how empowering is the ability to feed yourself regardless of your circumstances.  I almost ran around the room then!  She explained that aquaponics was a multi-species approach to growing food and water, where fish produce waste when they eat, micro-organisms break this waste down and produce nitrates, and then plants take up the nitrates in their roots.  In return, the water is cleaned for the fish again.  Even the water that gets filtered goes back into the tank!!

You know I went straight to how this works in the Spirit!  The Holy Spirit has a similar symbiotic relationship with our physical bodies and minds.  Scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, “May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus.”  Ok, wait, wait, wait!  I’m getting excited as I write, thinking about the aquaponics cycle. 

Let me explain.  We hold the Holy Spirit inside of us (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).  As we grow in the world, saved or unsaved, believer in Christ or not, we experience change.  As we grow in understanding of the Holy Spirit, we begin to remove the “waste” (clap) and the Holy Spirit begins the cycle of cleaning us from our sinful nature.  I’m not trying to compare the Holy Spirit to microbes but the same process of cleaning the water occurs within us so we can continue to LIVE in our environment. “YESSSSS LORD!!!”  I feel like running right now!  When we begin to walk in our belief that Jesus Christ is our LORD and Savior, we receive understanding and knowledge, our eyes are opened, and even our minds begin to be cleansed.  The output is what we receive and how we endeavor to give that same knowledge to others so that we can begin to heal, grow, and be set free!

Now think about the fish – if there are no microbes, they would die – the fish CANNOT survive without them!  My God, without the Holy Spirit we are dead bodies walking the land, dead in spirit….

We need the Holy Spirit so we can live healthy and whole LIVES!  I’m not saying we won’t come against obstacles or problems.  I’m just saying the Holy Spirit is what sustains us while we do!  The scripture that came to mind just now was from Psalm 118:17 – I will live and not die and declare the works of the LORD.  When I originally thought of this blog, Ezekial 37:1-10 came to mind.  I will focus on verse 4, “Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.”

I speak to every dry place in your life and declare the words of the LORD to come alive in Jesus’ name!  I command every part of your body to come into alignment with the power and blood of Jesus Christ!  I declare over every person who reads this – wholeness in the name of JESUS, security in the name of JESUS, protection in the name of JESUS, and the righteous right mind of Christ!

Steady, Focus, Determination

I’ve been thinking of a message to share for 2023.  I’ll say this, if you do nothing else remain steady, with focus and determination. 

In 2022, I became a published author.  I never thought I would be able to say that.  Writing has always been a release for my thoughts, feelings, and imagination.  I kept my writings close to my hip because they were so personal, and I didn’t realize a preparation for something greater.  God took me on a journey to open my eyes to what’s next.

In July of 2021, a lump was found in my right breast.  I prayed, and prayed and was led to this scripture from the King James Version:

“Psalm 34: 17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.  18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.  19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. 20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.”

I knew as soon as I read these verses, I would have to go through this trial.  But I knew God would be with me.  A few months later, as a matter of fact – my birthday month I was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.  I think I was in a state of shock during most of the process. There were days I was angry, in pain, cried myself to sleep but my mantra, however; was always whatever you have in store for me Lord, I know you will be there. 

Most people do not understand how demeaning the process can be when being treated with cancer.  The people who work in the facilities are phenomenal, and I don’t want to take away from them.  However, you are extremely vulnerable to every single person you encounter.  You are constantly being examined, probed, and touched.  Day by day, I felt less… I hope my statement makes sense.  I felt less of who I thought I was, and what I was to become.  These thoughts made me angry.  I do not have time for cancer to interfere in my life and stop my progress.  I was determined then; my life was valuable and the friends and family around me.  There was no time to wallow in self-pity or ask why me.  Why not me? 

One day, I was scheduled for radiation treatment, and I asked God to let me share some joy to those who do not have it. I went in and spoke to everyone I could. With a joy, only the Holy Spirit could have given me. The Lord every day gave me something new to share or to do in order to engage others in the facility. I looked forward to my appointments and made them my priority through my day as there were things, I needed to do to prepare for them. The time seemed to fly by and was over quickly for me.

I thank GOD for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who saves. Who walked with me through my trials, who heard my cries in the midnight hour and lifted my head when I could not. I know there are many others with similar stories. Many people live with the disease for longer and more extreme periods.

Now, what does this have to do with 2023?

During this entire experience, I was writing. I did not write about my experience with cancer but my experiences in the prison ministry. How God has taught me through experience to minister to the brokenhearted. This time with God was amazing. There were moments that I didn’t think I would finish. I put the manuscript away and said the time was over for this book. It just didn’t feel like the right time. The enemy began to speak to me – ‘you’re not important’ or ‘who cares what you have to say’ or ‘it will never be successful.’ I finally sat down one day and focused on what was in my heart to say. God sent me a great writing coach, and I’ll say if you don’t have good people around you pray you through your trials then… please… reach out I have some amazing sisters and brothers in Christ that will pray with me for you.

As I thought about what to say for this new year.  I skimmed social media and saw many comments such as these:

15 ways to achieve your goals for 2023 👀

10 things that will stop you in your tracks from achieving your goals 😲

5 must have courses in 2023 for your success😁😍

If you see a statement like that on social media or even me, hold on for a second. Remember, the approach Peter took in Matthew 14:22-33, when he walked across the water to Jesus Christ, with a steady, focus, and determination to get to Him. Even if you falter, He’ll be there to pull you out of the water. Don’t give up what God has given you to thrive in 2023. Plan, organize, gain wisdom, but stay steady, focused, and determined to accomplish your goals no matter what the situation.

Be A Giant

I had a dream years ago. I was a giant and in a huge forest pulling up old trees with huge roots. When I pulled them up to look underneath, a light would slowly become visible and would become very bright…. almost blinding. I would put the tree down and then move on to the next. Over the years, I have thought often of this dream and the message. Trees are part of an ecosystem of shared resources and networks. Scientists believe trees have a communication system that distributes signals of drought, disease, or attack of various insects. The roots are used as communication as well as pheromones.  A communication network to warn other trees of danger. Humanity’s network of communication is similarly used through the Holy Spirit. Our direct line of communication with God via our consciousness, dreams, hands’ mouths, feet, and our emotions, which extends to others.

The roots in my dream reminded me of the journey we take in life. As we journey, we learn of our mistakes, and we began to self-correct from them over time, as well as our victories to reflect on or share as testimonies. Our experiences (roots) are often very deep and incomprehensible to our future lives. When we are ready, God uses the Holy Spirit to provide revelation, understanding and wisdom in situations that we may need to correct, uproot or change. Proverbs 3:13-19 refers to trees as life-giving, providing wisdom on our journeys and my interpretation is the blessing from that wisdom. Our symbiotic relationship with the Holy Spirit is life-giving. In those dry seasons, the devastation caused by whatever attack the enemy tries to bring into our lives provides not only life, healing, and strength.

What do I mean by attacks of the enemy? One example I can provide is my personal experience of a diagnosis of cancer. I was in shock. I fully believe in God-ordained empirical findings. While praying one day in service, I felt a pain under my right breast. That pain persisted and pushed me to go to my physician. From the research I found and information that I received from my doctor pain is not one of the first signs of breast cancer. However, my doctor scheduled a mammogram just to ensure there were no other issues. A mammogram revealed a lump so deep that it wouldn’t show up under normal circumstances if it weren’t for pain. A biopsy was order and that was negative, however my doctor again disagreed and suggested I have a surgeon biopsy. My second biopsy revealed a diagnosis of Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) a stage 0 breast tumor. I never even heard of stage 0. I felt shock, I asked why, and the purpose in this. I felt guilty when I complained about the pain of the surgery or radiation. Often, I was angry with myself for feeling embarrassed when I had to undress in front of what seemed like countless strangers for testing or examination. There were so many others with a diagnosis of cancer that were in worse situations than me. How dare I complain? Our experiences matter, they are defining moments in our lives that have the capacity to transform and propel us to our future. Not only our individual futures, those we walk with in our daily lives, their futures. Do not minimize your personal walk in life. Do not minimize who you are and your value. Do not minimize how your walk through your forest.  Your walk can strengthen others and encourage them to move forward. We may have roots deep in the soil and survival comes by the living water God supplies to us in Jesus Christ. In Jeremiah 17:7-8, scripture tells us, “He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Psalm 1:3 states, “He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.” The light I saw come from underneath the tree almost blinding is our faith. We often have to move by experiences of our past but with blind faith to come away from those situations that may cause us to pause, exhibit regret or even change the paths we take to our destinations.

Family our roots shape us, however our blind faith in God is what leads us through obstacles of life. Thank you Lord for your Son who saves and the Holy Spirit that guides. You said you would never leave us or forsake us and we thank you. I speak victory over every diagnosis of illness, broken spirit, or lost soul, victory of those situations and victory through Jesus Christ our solution, our Savior. Amen

5 Steps of Formation

It took me a long time to understand self and how to focus on my strengths and not weaknesses. There always seemed to be voices of doubt in my ear speaking against every endeavor I was striving to complete. I started looking back and realized how I was shaped from my upbringing. I grew up in a modern day brady bunch family, 3 boys and 3 girls. I have three biological sons, nieces and nephews and a very large extended family. I was a neighborhood mom, sister, friend, and counselor. There were some negative influences as well, bad decision-making, bad choices and even worse relationships. Eventually, I settled in every area of my life and accepted I would not and could not do any better. In my education, I was exposed to courses that helped me understand and form my own personal process and practice as a person walking in the image of Jesus Christ. Not just for my benefit but for others and unto the glory to God. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, and we are forever being transformed into His image with increasing joy (paraphrased). I don’t regret what has happened to me, through me or the choices I made. That is what allowed me to be in a space of love and forgiveness that I can now share with others. This process for me was deep and meaningful. I took steps to forgive myself and others and went on a journey to develop my strengths that will continue to carry me on this life journey to success.

Here are a few steps I’d like to share with each of you below:

1. Identify your strengths, learn how to develop them, and lean into them in stressful times

2. Receive compliments and translate them to strengths to demonstrate your growth. Consider role models, coaches, mentors who can see gifts, talents, and strengths in you that you may not even realize you’ve developed.

3. Recognize areas that you do not normally utilize. This does not mean you are weak, knowing areas that are not as strong as others allows you to bring people around you to fill the gap or develop through your strengths.

4. When you doubt lean into God who is our strength. Grow in faith, study the area of scripture that you want to grow stronger in and begin to pray with these scriptures in mind.

5. Lastly – Celebrate!! Celebrate you, celebrate your accomplishments so you will have constant reminders of what you truly can accomplish to block out those voices that so often try to kill our joy.

If any of these things resonate with you – schedule time with me. We all need help maneuvering through this life and growing ourselves to be our best selves. My desire is to see each of you grow and overcome obstacles!!
