What is purpose?More specifically, what has been on your heart for years to do that you have felt impossible to achieve? Pastor’s, lay people, military, unemployed, all feel mandate internally to something. While we search, some of us run into hidden secrets in us, run into roadblocks, or frustration along the way. Understand, God has given each of us a vision to focus on and we are here over the month of September to discuss just that! Through A seven step process of discovering P.U.R.P.O.S.E., you will hear how people have learned to activate, connect, and find something greater inside themselves. This webinar is FREE an experience that will give you practical tools to get started towards pursuing your purpose. Please register to receive a free journal copy and FREE coaching opportunity that will be announced at the last session. Registration is HERE: https://bit.ly/m-w-with-purpose.
Every Thursday at 8:30 pm EST for the month of September